How to style out put using python string format

Hello everyone, In this tutorial I will show you how we can style our output using string format in Python.
Some of you guys should saw in Python scripts that they are printing data like:
[+] Message | Output [+]
And this kind of printing is really looks cool to me.
Some of you guys should try something like this:
print("[+] your message [+]")
print("[+]", "your message", "[+]")
The second one is looks little bit clearer Isn't it?, Cause of print function.
But let's suppose we are working on it large scale application and we want to print in stylish way.
But it's weird that we always have to use our style tag like:
[+] or [#]
So on every output we have to keep using our style tag but its consider as bad practice in coding to me.
As a good programmer we should try to code clean and it can be easily understand.
Whenever I code in Python my focus is write clean code and I divide the parts of program into modules (sub programs).
So for this, I always code in OOP (object oriented programming) of python.
In modules I create classes, their functions and I use them into main module by importing.
But anyway in OOP way, I will show you
How to style out put using python string format in Python
Let's create class in Python:
Class test:     def __init__(self):            self = self
Some of you or all notice that why I use constructor function
Well because I inherit other module classes like I create an helper module which have a helper class and that class have those functions, who will in every module.
anyway let's continue:
Class test:     def __init__(self):            self = self def print(self, *msgs, style = '[+]'): msg = " ".join( str(msg) for msg in msgs ) print(style, msg, style)
And now in our class we can use something like:
Class test:     def __init__(self):            self = self def print(self, *msgs, style = '[+]'): msg = " ".join( str(msg) for msg in msgs ) print(style, msg, style) def test(self): self.print("test")
you will output will be like this:
[+] test [+]
cool right? I know this is not good way to style your output. But it's better if we don't touch builtin functions isn't it? But don't worry in my next tutorial i will How to style out put using python string format without in OOP way.
Thanks for reading and i write this article cause i can't sleep and it's 5 AM here. My brain is still stuck in coding.